We’ll unblock

Binance Kraken KuCoin OKX FTX Huobi BitMex Coinbase

trading account for you

  • We don’t need access to the account, but we’ll do the talking.
  • We’ll help you talk to CEX like a tech-savvy lawyer and handle documentation.
  • Pay in full only after your trading account is unblocked or get refund.
Check unblocking potential

We Unblocked Over $12M
Across all Top 10 CEX Platforms


Just name the CEX, we’ll handle any of them

4 simple steps to Unblock Your Exchange Account

1Tell us what they did to you

  • We sign NDA and gather info about your relationship with CEX before the block.
  • Our team can interview you trough Google Meets, WhatsApp, Telegram, or any other app of your choice.

2Get solid arguments on the case from experts

  • In-house lawyers and compliance experts review your case.
  • Team provides arguments for negotiation with CEX and guides you step by step.

3Do CTRL+C CTRL+V to win negotiations

  • You talk with CEX from your account; we don’t need access.
  • You’re going to sound like a tech-savvy lawyer to the CEX compliance team.

4Reclaim your money from CEX

  • After negotiations CEX will unblock withdrawal and trading for you, because it’s illegal to hold your money forever.
  • You are free from CEX whims and can continue with your business worry-free.
We must start ASAP

To have the highest chances for a positive resolution, we need to start working on the case ASAP before CEX can take additional measures against you.

Fill the form

if you want to reclaim your account

Done! We get back to you soon

Something went wrong...

Fill the form

if you want to reclaim your account

  • We’ll get in touch right away and ask you a few questions.
  • After we gather info, sit back and relax while pro do their thing.
  • Save your time and nevers, as you only need to copy-paste arguments on the case.

9 questions you want answers to

How long it takes?
The more we know - the faster the case goes on.

Depending on how lazy the CEX team is, the whole thing can take from 2 weeks to 3 months.

To make it faster, we need as much info as you have.

Account access required?

Compliance and legal team prepare documents and arguments on the case for you.

All you have to do is copy-paste them and talk with CEX from your account. It’s that simple.

What docs do we need?
1 to 1 parity on docs with CEX.

To do our job, we need 1 to 1 parity on docs with CEX. This can include KYC docs, and possible info on the origin of funds from you (we’ll help with that).

Contact us and we’ll send you the list of required docs for your specific case.

How and when do you pay?
Depends on a case-to-case basis.

Usually, we take a small fee beforehand, which will be returned if we fail the case.

That’s just how the industry works. We get paid in full only after you get your money back; you’ll get a refund if not.

Guarantees of unblocking?
We closed 60+ cases for a total of $12M as of the moment.

No one can offer a 100% guarantee, even if that’s the CEO of CEX talking.

That’s why we provide a refund if we fail to unlock your trading account.

Can CEX lock you out forever?
For 99% of the cases - your funds are yours alone.

Court decision, personal sanctions, or police requests are required to block your money indefinitely.

Even then, it is possible to perform a partial return or settle legal matters with CEX.

Can CEX refuse to return your money?

For CEX to have your funds locked forever, taken, or used as evidence strong legal stance is required.

For example, having personal sanctions might be an obstacle to returning your funds.

Can you lose money during unblock?

Your trading positions can be closed due to insufficient liquidity, but neither CEX nor us can change the amount of money you get back.

If CEX tries to retain your funds we can launch a lawsuit, sue, and fine them.

How to protect yourself if you play big?
Contact us for personal services.

Contact us if you need a trading broker whose specialty is 6-figure trading operations and who can handle legal fuss around your money.

If you want to start a side hustle or launch a P2P exchange, we can provide everything you need for launch.